Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shopping Carts

Call me nosy.
I LOVE looking in people's shopping carts at the grocery store and trying to guess what kind of family they have, what kind of lifestyle, what they watch on TV, you name it.
Like yesterday I saw this tall blonde lady and she had about 18 loaves of bread. Seriously.
I'm thinking she probably has a whole brood of little kids at home and she lines the bread up on the counter, slaps bologne on every other piece and throw the sandwiches together before tossing them down on the long table where all the kids' little hands eagerly grab for the food.
I saw this man and his wife -- he was short with big muscles and a mullet and she was small with big, 80s-style hair, and they were buying crackers. Just crackers. Maybe they had a bunch of cheese and wine at home and they were going back for a romantic evening. They were singing aloud to "Glory Days" while picking out their crackers ... maybe they were planning on taking themselves back, you know?
There was this other lady who was probably in her 60s, and she had on these white cotton short shorts with fake black leopard print and red flowers, with this crocheted top, tucked in, with this huge belt. She was overweight and pale and her legs were very wiggly. Also she had on high-heeled sandals with more crochet. Her fingernails and toenails were done perfectly. Her hair was perfectly coiffed. Her makeup was applied just so.
She asked me very politely if she could step in front of me (I was waiting in line) because she wanted Wintergreen TicTacs, which were on sale, and the line she was in did not have any Wintergreen.
She had a very high voice. I didn't even see what was in her cart and I'm afraid to say, I didn't want to.

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