Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally -- an Adventure!

Over the weekend, Little Boy and I went to L.A. to visit a friend who just had a baby.
Big Boy stayed home with MrDartt to do fun Big Boy things that Little Boy is too little to do.
Little Boy and I flew in a little tiny airplane that had propellers. Propellers.
I'm pleased to say that he's a very good traveler. On the way to L.A. (it's about a 1.5-hour flight), he ate lunch then fussed a little, then wrestled me for about three minutes before sleeping for about an hour. He woke up about 10 minutes before we landed and cried for about five minutes as we descended and, I assumed, his ears popped.
The visit with my friend was very nice. She picked us up at the airport, and then we had lunch with my roommate from college. The baby is adorable, of course. We had some good girl time, which was nice. I haven't seen my friend in almost four years!
The only mishap we had was in the security line at LAX -- I'd set his carseat on top of the stroller so I could push him through the airport. The seat and the stroller don't actually go together and as I turned around to pick up the suitcase, the stroller broke, sending the carseat tumbling to the floor, with Little Boy in it!
Luckily he was strapped in, and as the carseat flipped over and over again, he just gave a startled cry. When I turned him over he looked at me like, "What the heck just happened, Mom?"
The man who had lurched forward as he saw the carseat tumbling off the stroller, in an attempt to catch it, said, "Geez, he's a tough little guy. Didn't even cry."
(Probably he was thinking, "And you're crazy, lady!").
These two women were saying, "Oh, my God!" in hushed voices. Then they avoided making eye contact with me.
Anyway, after that I put Little Boy in the stroller and hooked the carseat onto the rolling suitcase and awkwardly made my way through the airport.
During the flight home, Little Boy ate some cookies, drank some milk, and played with toys and an empty cup. He got a little restless at one point and threw himself backwards. He hit his head on the window and cried for a few seconds, then realized how fun that was and did it over and over for a while.
Other than that, he was awake and happy.
When we got to the airport, Big Boy was excited to see us through the window but as soon as we got inside, he was more interested in inspecting the tag on my suitcase than he was in a happy, hug-filled reunion.
Now I've had my adventure fix and I can wait a while for another one!

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