Thursday, August 6, 2009

Making Whoopie Makes the News

It does, apparently.
The other night I was watching the news, and the news anchor started out a new story announcing that some people in some faraway state (maybe Arkansas?) were having really hot sex. He went on to explain that they were about to have sex when their house caught on fire.
Cut to the guy involved.
This guy is toothless. He hasn't shaved in about two weeks. His hair is bushy, gray, unkempt. His eyes are huge. His mouth is moving constantly (think someone on meth) and he is, very seriously, explaining to the news person behind the camera that he and his wife were about to make love when their bedroom caught on fire.
"I was naked," he says, "and she was in her underwear."
Okay, I did not want to think about this guy making whoopie with anybody and I certainly don't want to picture him naked (no, they're not one and the same to me).
Turns out one of them dropped a lit cigarette on the floor during foreplay.
What I want to know is, when did a small house fire, contained to one room, become national news? It only became national news because the people involved were having sex when it started.
I cannot believe the man would talk to news cameras for this story, and I cannot believe stations across the nation would air the interview. Totally humiliating for the guy (if not, it should have been) and totally disturbing for me (and probably the millions of other people who saw it).

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So funny! That reminds me, I totally saw an OLD couple going at it at the gas pump yesterday! They had to be at least late 50's (being generous), but were probably more like in their 60's. Totally making out (think high school!) and he had her shirt pulled up and was rubbing her stomach (while her grannie panties were hanging out the top of her jeans). I didn't know whether to laugh or vomit! One of the more disturbing things I've seen lately, too!
