Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Total Embarrassment

Yesterday I literally almost died of embarrassment.
My mom, my sister-in-law and I took Big Boy (and Little Boy, of course -- don't leave home without him) to see a police K-9 demonstration at this local arena. The state's K-9 officers are in town this week for a training and they put on a free show for the public.
We got there early and walked around for a little bit, to get Big Boy's last-minute wiggles out. Of course, as soon as we took our seats, Big Boy announced, "I'm poopy."
Of course, I'd left the diaper bag in the car. So we walked out to the car to get diapers and wipes and of course, all I had were Little Boy diapers.
So we went back into the arena, and of course, the first two restrooms I went into did not have diaper changing tables.
I was in a hurry -- the show was about to start -- and Big Boy held my keys while I changed his diaper.
We got back to our seats and the show started. A while later, the guy who was announcing during the show (he was standing in the middle of the demonstration area) announced that someone had found some keys in the men's restroom. He went on to say they were Volvo keys, and that the police departments were going to have a nice new Volvo.
That's when I realized they were my keys. Big Boy must have dropped them in the restroom (we were in the women's restroom, I swear!). And then in my rush, I forgot about them.
My mom, sister-in-law and I raised our hands but the guy didn't see us. A while later, he brought up the keys again, and this time he saw us raising our hands.
He said, "They're yours? What were you doing in the men's restroom?"
And Big Boy announces, "I pooped! I pooped on the potty and I got four chewy bears!"
(Big Boy really pooped on the potty the day before, and got TWO chewy bears, but four is apparently his go-to number). The guy couldn't hear me or Big Boy, but of course everybody in the stands could.
Then he wanted me to tell him what was on my keys, to prove that they were, indeed, mine.
Well, I started to list off a few things, but he couldn't hear me through the plexiglass (this is a hokey arena and even though it's not hockey season, the plexiglass was up).
I felt my face turning red. I looked at my mom and sister-in-law, and their faces were red, too.
The guy started looking at my discount cards, and he started asking me which discount cards I have on there. Of course, I have about 18 since every single store now offers one.
I must have looked fairly believable and VERY embarrassed -- he eventually sent another police officer into the stands with my keys.
I'm so glad someone turned my keys in, but I also am glad I survived the embarrassment!

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious. I've been meaning to check out your blog again, now I remember why!
