Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Big Tweeze

When did the shape of women's eyebrows become a matter of concern?
I have very hairy eyebrows. The darker main part of my eyebrow looks okay, but then down below that, there's a ton of blond hair. All these teeny tiny little blond hairs. And a few big fat dark ones. I wax them about once every three weeks, and pluck in between. But it's a hassle. Between showering, putting on my makeup and doing my hair, I rarely have time to tweeze.
I don't see many men tweezing, waxing or shaping their eyebrows. I don't see them applying mascara in the rearview mirror. I don't see them shaving or waxing their bikini areas. I know some men wax their back hair or chest hair, but when's the last time you saw one shaving his legs in the bathroom sink before rushing off to the pool?
It just seems unfair.
I'm going to take a stand and stop shaving all together.
Yeah, right.
I'm really just going to keep shaving. I'm going to keep tweezing. I'm going to keep waxing. For the rest. Of. My. Life.

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