Thursday, July 2, 2009

"The Ignorant"

I love people.
Today as I was driving Big Boy and Little Boy to our music playgroup, I stopped at a stop sign to turn onto the road that leads to the highway. A woman driving a Honda Civic Hybrid drove past us, and I waited for her before turning onto the appropriate road. As she drove past, she was looking in the mirror, fluffing her hair with her hands. I pulled onto the road behind her and was alarmed at the sheer number of bumper stickers she had on her car.
They said things like, "The Ignorant Should Not Reproduce."
"You are not the car you drive. You are not your f**king khakis."
And so on.
It doesn't really matter.
The two things she did that I found noteworthy, especially after I read the bumper stickers, are: she was driving like a maniac! She was tailgating and at the first opportunity she decided to pass someone so she jammed her car between the one she was behind in the fast lane and a slightly slower one in the slow lane, so she could go around the one she was behind.
Then, she was smoking.
Really? Are you serious?
So here is this girl insinuating that she is not ignorant and that she is not her Honda Civic Hybrid and not her khakis, either, and she is driving like a maniac and she is smoking.
Driving like a maniac shows that she is not as Zen as her bumper stickers were trying to make her sound. They were shouting, "I am Zen! I am relaxed! I am better than you even though I am implying that you think you are better than me. I am better than you because I know I am not better than anyone." And her driving is shouting, "But I am driving like a maniac so get the HELL out of my way! Because I am better than you and your driving sucks!"
And then she is smoking! Her smoking is shouting, "I am so ignorant! I am smoking even though everybody knows by now that smoking is terrible for you and it can kill you! But the ignorant should not reproduce!"
And don't forget the hair-fluffing. She may not be her Honda Civic Hybrid or her khakis, but she is definitely her hair style.
I love these people.
I hope she is not reproducing.

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