Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting Beat on Thinking Ahead

Isn't it awful when you think you're thinking ahead, but despite your best intentions, things don't turn out as you expected them to?
Here's what happened: we've been hunting for a kid-sized table for Big Boy (and Little Boy, when he gets bigger). We wanted to put it in the play area so he could sit there and color, or so he could play with his big castle or his blocks there.
We debated about which kind to get -- should we get a wooden table with four little chairs? Or should we get one of those inexpensive fold-up card tables with two chairs?
Finally, we decided on a little picnic bench whose seats are attached -- we were thinking that way, Big Boy wouldn't cart the little chairs all over the house. He already carts the big barstools all over the house, so he can climb on them to reach things. You go to sit down at the barstool and it's not there; you then find it in the bathroom (no idea).
So anyway, we bought this little picnic bench that's supposed to seat four kids. We put it in the play area.
And despite our best intentions, Big Boy is dragging it, benches and all, all over the house!
I keep finding it haphazardly placed between the play area and the living room, half on the wood floor and half on the carpet. Or in the kitchen.
"Why do you keep moving the table?"
"Because I want to."
So much for thinking ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Evan is always hiding our stuff! We had a pan lid missing for about a month. These inserts that go in my bra were gone for days. I found them both on the same day and had to call Clark at work to tell him what a good day I was having. Ah,the things that please the stay at home mom. Currently missing: one of our cordless phones :(
