Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Fastest Grocery Store Trip EVER!

I've found a new way to increase the speed at which I complete a grocery store trip: sheer panic.
Yesterday, for the first time, I left Big Boy at the Kids Corner in our grocery store. He's been asking for weeks to go in there, and since we were running late, I finally caved and turned in the paper work I'd filled out several weeks ago. It's a locked room, where a fingerprinted childcare person watches the kids and lets them play with toys or color or watch movies. Both the child and the parent have to wear bracelets, and only the person who dropped the child off can pick him up. Only two ways exist to get into the room: a keypad outside the door and a button inside the room both open the door. So it's pretty safe. Also, there are monitors throughout the store you can look at and see your kid.
But when I left my little boy there, very cheerfully, I might add, I felt like crying! He's just so little and I've never left him with strangers in a strange place. Not that the grocery store is that strange of a place, but you know what I mean.
So I rushed through the store, at a run (not really, it was too crowded). I grabbed the yogurt, the bread, the meat and the tuna. I threw the apples, bananas, and celery into the cart. For once, I didn't miss anything as I went through the store, and I never had to turn back. I was done, including checking out after a woman who wrote a check (yes, people still write checks), in less than 30 minutes, with our weekly shopping trip.
Less than 30 minutes. It's a new record.
That's what panic will do for you.
And when I went to get Big Boy, he came out, happy to see me and ready to go, but having had a great time building a road with the Kids Corner girl.
He talked all the way home about the sticker he got and the road he built and the games he played.
And we both survived.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, props to you! You give me new courage to do such things with my own "big boy". Though we don't have a cool kids corner at our grocery store, he will start a week long summer camp (morning only) in a couple of weeks and your story will remind me to breathe when I drop him off and know everything will be fine. Thanks!
