Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Accident-Prone Husband

I think MrDartt is particularly accident-prone.
Yesterday, on one of the hottest days yet this year in Arizona, he got a flat tire while driving on the highway to Phoenix. It was probably 110 degrees outside and he had to change a flat tire. Then, while he was getting the tire out of the trunk, it got stuck on something (I think he said the carpet in the trunk) and flipped over, smashing his finger. Blood came out from under his fingernail.
One time, he was trying to get a wasp out of our house (have I mentioned that we have hummingbird-sized wasps?). It was up near the ceiling. He tossed a throw pillow at it (Ha! He threw a throw pillow). The pillow came down, and as he caught it, the wasp landed on it, stinging him in the hand.
Another time, he was building a patio in our front yard. He smashed a wasp with a hammer, rolled over to get another brick, and got stung by another wasp.
This stuff happens all the time.
When we were building our house, he took a good swing with his brand new hammer (he was very excited to have his own brand new framing hammer), and whacked his hand with full force. He had the waffle-pattern embedded in his hand.
That's all I can think of for now.
Maybe we should play the lottery. MrDartt has an uncanny ability to succeed at very unlikely things.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that Clark was the only one who got hurt everytime I asked him to do a task. I think he does it on purpose to get out of chores. I managed to get a blister from sweeping outside for 10 minutes. We to have a wasp nest problem, so of couse Clark bought a full regalia bee-keeper suit on e-bay. To his credit, he is allergic to bees. He figured out a way to kill them with a cup, poison contraption. He was so proud of himself, he even declared "I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty smart." This is true, but I must be too, since I can manage to sweep without injury.
