Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watching TV

Sometimes I wish we had DVR. Last night, I wanted to watch "Glee." It was the premier, and it started at 8 p.m. here. But I had a lot of work to do, and I didn't want to work and watch TV at the same time. My deadline for completing this particular assignment was today, so I coudln't put it off, either. If we had DVR, obviously, I could have recorded "Glee" on DVR. But we do not. Both of our VCRs are broken, so we have to hook our little teeny tiny TV/VCR combo up to the TV in our bedroom and record stuff that way.
I rarely record. And aside from financial reasons, that's a reason we don't have DVR. I feel like, if you don't have time to watch it, you don't have time to watch it. So if you can't find time to watch it when it comes on, when are you going to find time to watch it? MrDartt says that you can always watch it on the weekends or something, when there's nothing else on. But when do we have time to watch TV on the weekends? I'll tell you: we don't. At night, we watch rented movies we get from Netflix. And MrDartt goes through movie withdrawals if we don't watch movies. So if we replaced our movie-watching with DVR watching, then maybe we'd have time to watch recorded stuff.
I really want to watch "Glee." So now, since I recorded it with our mini TV/VCR combo, I have to find an hour to watch it. My problem is that I don't watch TV during the day, unless both boys are sleeping. But at this point, if both boys are sleeping, I'm working. And after they go to bed, I'm working. And then I have to go to sleep early because they get up early and if I don't go to sleep early I feel terrible all the next day. So when, oh when, will I find time to watch "Glee"? It's killing me! I want to watch it so bad. And now I have it recorded so I HAVE to watch it.
I almost wish I hadn't recorded it.
I think having DVR might kill me.
So maybe I'm glad we don't have it.
Hard to say.

1 comment:

  1. you could watch it in the middle of the night when you're breastfeeding. That's when I watch Ellen!
