Friday, May 15, 2009

Reading the Dictionary

My husband, as I write (type), is sitting on the couch reading the dictionary. Seriously.
I just asked him what a good topic would be for today's post and he said, insane children (Big Boy has been crying off and on, hitting constantly, and on time out all morning). Then he said, "Yep, 'bodhisattva' is in here."
I looked over and he was reading a dictionary.
I said, "There's my topic for today. I never thought I'd marry a man who sits on the couch reading a dictionary."
He said, "Have me smoking a cigar, too, or something. And don't make me look dumb. I'm sure everybody who saw 'Point Break' knew what 'bodhisattva' meant."
Earlier during the week, my husband was reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," and he saw the word "bodhisattva" in there, with an explanation of what it meant (by the way, it means, "one whose essence is enlightenment" according to Webster, and its roots relate to Buddha).
When he saw the word in the book, he got so excited that he ran up and told me a 20-year mystery was solved. When he originally saw Point Break, with Keanu Reeves, he didn't know what that word meant. He never looked it up and so earlier in the week, while reading Zen, he recognized the word, learned its meaning and was VERY excited.
I certainly didn't know what "bodhisattva" meant -- I'd never even seen the word.
I urge each of you to go out and use it today, in a sentence or two. See how many people know what it means.
And just like my husband said, "I can't believe any movie with Keanu Reeves would have word like that in it."
Go figure.

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