Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marriage comparisons

It's so funny the differences between couples.
For example, one of my friends was saying the other night that she does not like doing laundry. If the hamper starts getting full, her husband says, "The hamper's starting to get a little full," and she says, "If you want the laundry done, do it yourself." That's a slightly simplied paraphrase of the conversation as she explained it.
My husband, on the other hand, won't tell me he's running out of socks until he's wearing the very last pair (the green ones with beer mugs, which my mom got him for St. Patrick's Day one year). And then he'll very gently say, "Do you think you could do some whites? I don't have any socks left." And then I have to do them right away because he's out of socks. I've finally convinced him to let me know ahead of time before he runs out of socks, but he feels guilty. Laundry is a chore that I don't mind, though. Just don't ask me to iron.
Another example: both my husband and the husband of one of my friends must get at least 16 hours of sleep per night (yes, it's an exaggeration, I admit, but it sometimes seems like it). She once said, "That is just something that makes our marriage work." MrDartt doesn't feel like he sleeps very well so he usually stays in bed for two or so hours after the kids and I get up.
On the other hand, another couple we know takes turns "sleeping in," which means they stay in bed for 15 minutes after the kids get up.
My point (yes, I have one!) is that couples just have to do what works for them. What works for one couple may not work for another. What seems totally normal to one may seem awful to another. But I have to remember not to judge my friends' relationships just because they're different from mine.
I have one friend who's always telling me that my husband should help me more, should do something every day to give me a break (that's what her husband does), should suck it up and give the kids their baths even though it kills his back to sit on the bathroom floor. Sometimes I feel like she just doesn't get that our relationship works the way it works.
We do things differently than they do -- and I'm not sure I would enjoy a marriage like theirs. She makes it clear that she wouldn't enjoy one like mine.
But let's not judge -- let's remember that every couple makes it work. I'm not talking about husbands beating their wives (that's not a good way to make it work), or wives yelling at their husbands constantly (nobody likes a screamer). I'm just saying that if two people are happy, and they're just doing what makes their marriage work. Leave them alone! Let them be happy, just the way they are.

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