Friday, May 29, 2009

My dad calls them The Oblivious and The Rude

Here's what I don't get: how can so many people in one place at one time a)be so oblivious or b)be so rude that I can't get my grocery shopping done?
The other day MrDartt and I went on two separate shopping trips. He and Big Boy went to the Home Depot and I took Little Boy to the grocery store.
It was my job to get food to feed the dads for Memorial Day.
I have to say that when I first approached the grocery store, a very nice man helped me detangle two shopping carts since my hands were full and I couldn't get them apart one-handed. So that was very nice. He was one polite person out of 853 I ran into inside the grocery store.
First, I went to produce to get salsa makings. My first mistake. I encountered two women in their 40s to 60s, shopping together. One was wearing one of those leather cowboy hats. I don't know if they were friends, sisters, a couple, what, but each had her own cart. They were examining the tomatoes. A box of 4 tomatoes was on sale for $1.50 or something. Good price, but these two women were standing there, blocking the entire walkway between the tomatoes and the next bin, and blocking the entire tomato display so no one else (including me) could get to the tomatoes. Remember these two women.
So then, I went to walk along the back of the store, to get to the next aisle. A man was standing at the deli counter and another customer was standing exactly next to him, so no one, including me, could get between them to walk from produce to the next aisle. So I excused myself and one of them moved. In the next aisle, I walked about halfway down, and two women were examining the canned fish. Their carts were side by side in the aisle so no one, including me, could walk past them to get through the aisle. As luck would have it, I, too, needed canned fish. MrDartt wanted it for a make-his-own pizza. But I couldn't even look at the canned fish.
Things went on like this. I wanted to go to the meat section to look at the ribs (baby back ribs: buy one get two free!). Sure enough, at the meat section I ran into the two women with the two carts and one cowboy hat. Blocking another aisle! They were standing between the cheese display and the rib display so once again, no one else could look at either display or walk past. Seriously.
Then I went to the dog food aisle and there were no big bags of dog food. Just not even there. A grandmother stopped to talk to Little Boy and tell me all about her own childbirth expriences and about her own grandchildren. That was okay until another lady came down the aisle and couldn't get past. I moved my cart so she could get through but she couldn't get past the grandmother's cart. I was embarrassed. The grandmother just ignored her so I said, "I think this woman is trying to get by." She just kept talking to Little Boy! Believe me, he's 8 months old. He's not much of a conversationalist.
Grandmother told me the big bags of dog food are at the front of the store, in front of the cash registers. So I went to the front of the store, and a cashier yelled at me, "You have to put your basket on THIS side!"
"Just getting dog food," I muttered.
Then, when I went to go through the line, the cashier grabbed the basket before I had a chance to grab Little Boy and sometime between that time and the time I finished paying, he'd spit out his pacifier and lost it.
When I finally got to the car I realized I forgot mushrooms but I drove to a different store to get them.
Is it like this everywhere? Or did I just get to the store at a bad time on a bad day with bad people?

1 comment:

  1. pretty much everywhere. People don't notice you, or they DO notice your kids and stop and tell you stories about their grandchildren, which is still sort of annoying because there is only a limited time that kids last in a store before meltdowns occur.
