Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Dance Party

Big Boy and I (and the giraffe) just finished having a dance party. Awesome 80s music, rocking out. Seriously.
Even though I was a dancer throughout my childhood, I never felt comfortable dancing at school dances. I'd dance with my friends but usually it was totally goofing off. I felt comfortable enough if I had something coreographed but you don't typically go to social dances and perform choreography. And if you do, you're a big dork.
So this morning, we opened a CD Big Boy got in a Happy Meal (yes, I fed him McDonald's for lunch the other day so I could get through Wal-Mart while he ate his chicken nuggets -- kept him in the basket happily, with his mouth and hands full -- no yelling and no hitting mommy). We put it on, and it's a bunch of songs from my childhood. We started dancing and it was SO fun! I was swinging my hair, throwing my head back, shaking my bootie (as Big Boy instructed), and not a care in the world.
I never did that when I was in high school. Or when I'd go to clubs in college. Maybe a little when I was single and went dancing with groups of girls after college, but still, I'd be looking around, making sure nobody noticed how stupid I looked.
But this morning, with only my two-year-old as an audience, I was having a blast! My point is that I wish I could be this uninhibited all the time. I wish I could go to the grocery store without mascara on, or sing at the top of my lungs in the drive through line when my windows are rolled down.
For now, I'll have to content myself with being uninhibited around my family. Because soon enough, my boys will be kids rather than a baby and a toddler, and they'll think I'm goofy.
Or maybe, just maybe, they'll think I'm cool.


  1. Oh, gosh...this is so funny! I absolutely think you are gorgeous and can't imagine that you didn't shake it back then :) I do recollect that you did tell me that before. I on the other hand did my share of shaking, bumping, and grinding some cute built male in a LA night club. I love dancing and can still shake "some" stuff while other stuff shakes on its own. I did hear something today that made me laugh and reminded me of where I am today. "Can't drop it like its hot anymore, more like dropping it like its warm." I still laugh even when I type that one. Thing is when I do get down, my son and sister are embarrassed because they can't believe I would do something like that. How sad that I am no longer considered young enough to do certain things. I do still play my music loud in the car when I drive alone and pretend I can sing. It is sometimes embarrassing when young kids come and try to see who is in the car and try to out sound my music. I guess somethings you just never outgrow. I'm glad you are dancing because it keeps your spirit alive. I think you are cool!

  2. Oh, I shook it! :) I like that drop it like it's warm! I think we should go out on the town and shake it together one of these days!
