Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Universe: the ultimate provider

Haven't you ever heard that if you want or need something, you should just ask the universe, just put it out there, and you'll get it? Well, it's true. I know it sounds New Age and spiritual and kind of nebulous, but it's true. I'm a believer. Call it what you want -- God providing, the stars aligning, whatever.

Here's a good example, which happened to me yesterday. Over the weekend (that wasn't yesterday but it's the beginning of the story), MrDartt and I priced out some fencing because we want to make a dog run that will give the dogs shade and keep them away from the road, since Lola barks at every car that drives by going more than 10 miles per hour, as well as any people that walk by, as well as any horses people ride by, as well as any bunnies that hop by, as well as any birds that fly by. Anyway. we think moving them over to the side of the house might decrease her barking. And the amount of dog poopie in the front yard.

Sorry, got sidetracked. So the fencing, plus the stakes and the gate, were going to cost $300. So we put that project off for a while, since property taxes are due and we have a few medical bills to pay from Big Boy's ear tube surgery.

Then yesterday, I was driving home from music class playgroup and just a few houses down from my house on my street, I saw some big rolls of fencing on the ground outside someone's yard. They had signs on them that I couldn't read from the main road, so I turned off thinking, "No, this can't be. Too good to be true." Nope, it was true! The signs said, "Free Fencing." !!!

Since my mother-in-law is using our truck during her stay here and she was at her other son's house yesterday, I immediately called my nextdoor neighbor (my dad) and asked if we could borrow him and his truck. We got one big roll of fencing into the bed of his truck, but the second roll wouldn't fit. So I suggested tying it onto the truck and dragging it home (after all, it's only a few blocks). "And you call ME the redneck," he said. I didn't want to make two trips because Little Boy had been crying for the whole drive home, wanting his lunch. And I wanted to get the fencing right away for fear of someone else coming along and getting it.

But my dad, good sport and redneck that he is (just kidding, dad), did it. So I was very pleased with my find, and I was following him up our very bumpy dirt road, watching both rolls of fencing bounce, increasingly higher, as we made our way towards home. Suddenly, about 25 feet from my driveway, the roll in the back of the trunk bounced right out and the roll on the ground snagged on a spike in the road (why there's a spike in a dirt road, I have no idea), and both rolls broke free. My dad and I jumped out of our cars and loaded the big roll back into the truck and I dragged the little roll into my driveway.

And I forgot to mention that as we were loading the fencing, the man giving it away came out and said he also had a gate, more fencing and some stakes we could have. AWESOME!

So I saved us at least $275 -- we'll still have to buy some stakes and some doo dads to hook the fencing onto the stakes. I was so pleased with myself and with my find -- and with the universe!

This isn't the only time this kind of thing has happened. My mom has always told me that you should just relax and trust God, and things will work out for you. I don't think it's exclusively a religious thing -- this applies to everybody.

So the universe provided at 1 p.m. yesterday. But wait 'til you hear about the rest of my day. That'll have to wait until tomorrow's post.

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