Wednesday, April 8, 2009

main players -- human

Four humans, two canines and two felines live in our house. And various houseplants in varying stages of the life cycle. I thought you should know more about all of us (except the houseplants -- I'm kind of embarrassed to elaborate):

First, the humans:

There’s me, Mrs. Dartt. I’m a 20-something (almost 30!) wife, mother, writer and optimist who likes pretty much everybody but also has quite a list of pet peeves.

Then there’s Mr. Dartt. He’s a 30-something husband, dad, hard worker and pessimist who is surprised when things turn out well and is grudgingly accepting optimism as a good lifestyle.

Our two children, Big Boy and Little Boy, are 2.5 years old and seven months old, respectively.

Big Boy is a rambunctious, ever-moving firecracker who enjoys going down slides, singing and running on the treadmill (he only got to do it once under Mr. Dartt’s supervision before Mrs. Dartt found out about it and laid down the law – what a party pooper, right?). He loves Curious George books. He talks nonstop and has only recently discovered that he likes to sing.

Little Boy is relaxed, smiley and cuddly (all unlike his big brother). He spits up constantly but seems to enjoy it. He also bursts into tears when certain friends and family members speak to him. I'm hoping this is just a phase and that he will not continue to do this throughout his life. I hope he outgrows it before a girl he is dating when he's a teenager brings him home to meet her parents. "Hello, Little Boy, nice to meet you." (Eyes squint shut, mouth opens and screams ensue.)

Check in later for introductions to the canines and felines.

Hope everybody is having a wonderful day -- and looking forward to a relaxing weekend!


  1. I am so excited to read your blog!! Now I have something to look forward to everyday. I am so happy that you have gotten it up and running.

  2. I'm hoping "little boy" is just going through a phase as well and is not really scared of Danny and I. Tomorrow should be interesting.

  3. Oh, my little boy is quite the spitter upper too, as well as not the biggest fan of friends or family (or anyone who's not mommy)!

  4. I think the not-the-biggest-fan-of-friends-or-family thing is an age-related phenomenon. At least, that's what I keep telling myself!
