Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Welcome to my blog, DarttBoard. Thanks for stopping by! I hope that you will find something you can relate to, or at least something you can enjoy, in reading snippets from my life, my experiences and my thoughts …

Here are just a few things I think you should know about me before we get started:

One. I love being a mother. Love it. Even when my two year old asks for blue milk and then refuses to drink it because it’s blue. And then throws his sippy cup on the floor because he wants regular milk, and blue milk is not his favorite any more. And then cries when I put the blue milk in the refrigerator because he wants blue milk and he is so thirsty.

Two. I love my husband so much … and I know I don't express it often enough or well enough. I rely on him more than he probably knows.

Three. I am addicted to saving money.

Four. I almost always smell like spit up.

Five. My forehead is so wrinkly that I had to cut bangs. Every time I cut bangs, I hate them, because they never look right. But vanity won out. Bad bangs beat wrinkles, I guess.

Six. I am not a very good housekeeper. I avoid hand-washing dishes, and I don’t iron. I do pick up toys and wash and fold laundry.

Seven. I kill houseplants. I don’t sneak up on them in the dark with a weapon, but I slowly overwater or underlight them to death, or expose them to a toddler’s deadly whims. It's a wonder I've kept two human children alive.

Eight. I drive a Volvo. This has many implications, I know. But the worst is that I am a hypocrite. Throughout my young driving years, I constantly made fun of Volvo drivers for driving the speed limit. And now I’ve joined them, driving the speed limit. Most of the time.

Nine. My sophomore year in high school, my graduating class' homecoming theme was Peter Pan, and our float was a pirate ship. During halftime at the homecoming game, as I rode in our float around the football field, I mooned the oppsoing team's spectators through a porthole.

Ten. Last night I ate two (yes, TWO) pieces of chocolate cake.

That's it for now. I hope you will check back often and share your own thoughts, feelings, advice, pet peeves and secrets!


  1. Well, I'm not very bloggerific, but I do think you and you're writing are awesome. Although my Facebook New Horoscope says I'm an "arrogant victor", it looks like I'm actually a "follower"!

  2. I too share your love of motherhood. What choice do you have but to laugh at the craziness? You don't want to look back on this precious time in your life with anger over blue milk.
    I would like advice on how to obtain a money-saving addiction. If you are really starting to feel unhealthy, let me know, I can offer you plenty of help in the spending department.
    Finally, I bet your bangs look fab.
    I've got 2 cowlicks in mine so I'm sure you've got me beat!

  3. I am so proud of you for starting your own blog! You did it! I find your writing, as usual, very witty and smart, and I can already tell that this blog will be a big success with lots of viewers! I didn't know about the mooning incident...see? You can always learn something new about your very best friends :)

  4. Hey chickie! I loved reading your blog. If is always so funny I will read it often.

  5. You are so funny, I love this!

  6. I didn't even remember that our homecoming float was Peter Pan. And I always eat two pieces of chocolate cake, if it makes you feel any better!
