Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What's Your Song?

For Big Boy, it's "Singin' in the Rain."
For Little Boy, it's "Rock-A-Bye Baby."
For me, it's "Unbelievable." (Or is it "You're Unbelievable"? Not sure.)
MrDartt likes "Only the Young." It makes him want to work out or wrestle.
Some songs are just feel-good songs. Not all of them. For example, there's that one song MrDartt has as a ringtone for when his brother calls, something about Snuffing the Rooster. That doesn't sound like something the rooster would enjoy.
And there's "Barbie Girl," which my niece has on CD. That one really gets stuck in your head, even if it's really annoying. But she seems to like it.
And then there are really sad songs, like that country song about the two divorced people who see each other Every Other Weekend and they still love each other but neither one knows the other one is also still in love. So they just meet up, hand over the kids, and go on their not-so-merry ways.
How about "Whiskey for my Men and Beer for my Horses"? That's a weird one.
Where I live, there aren't any great radio stations so we get a lot of country and some really awesome soft rock. How many times can you listen to Bryan Adams' "Everything I Do"? I actually like that song but they just play it a lot. Seriously.
But here's the worst -- I have a confession. I really like Britney Spears' "Womanizer."
What? It has a good beat.

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