Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worst Mom In America -- or Possibly the Whole World

Little Boy suffered his first injury during our camping trip. And it was all my fault.
Sunday morning, we cooked breakfast on the campfire. A few hours later, one of my MOMS Club friends came over to talk to us. MrDartt was in our little cabin helping Big Boy change his clothes, and I was talking to my friend and watching Little Boy crawl around the campsite. He was happily walking along the stroller, pushing Big Boy's bike. I looked away for probably 45 seconds, and he crawled over to the fire pit. He burst into tears and I looked over to see him sitting down right next to the fire pit.
I went over to get him and I checked his hands. They didn't even look red. He stopped crying immediately when I picked him up. I didn't think anything of it.
The next day, he had a slight fever (100.7 under his armpit). I gave him some Tylenol, his fever went down, and I didn't think anything of it.
THEN, the next morning, I noticed a HUGE blister on his hand. HUGE. It was right on the crease. It was already open, and very deep. I inspected it and realized that it was a blister from the burn he got when he put his hand on the fire pit. When I wasn't watching him!
That big blister was open, and there was a trail of smaller blisters all the way across the crease.
Of course I immediately packed him up and took him to the doctor.
She inspected the burn with a little light.
"He has a pretty good burn there," she said. Yep. I know.
She gave us some cream to put on it and told me to bandage it.
"That probably hurts, so you should give him some Motrin," she said. Good thinking.
As she was leaving, she said, "Be careful around those fire pits!" Thanks. Got that one figured out.
My mom and some of my friends have told me not to beat myself up but I feel so BAD! My Little Boy and his huge burn! He just keeps pulling off the bandage and picking at the loose skin, and then crying.
Other than that, he's recovering just fine. We go back to the doctor tomorrow.
I think he'll live.

1 comment:

  1. I know you feel so bad, but I KNOW that you are a wonderful, VERY attentive mom, so stop beating yourself up! (though I know it's hard not to...) We all make mistakes and your little boy will be just fine :)
