Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beautiful Space

I don't know what we were thinking when we bought two acres of land.
Okay, I do know what we were thinking. We were thinking, "Gosh, look at all this space. This will be so much nicer than living in our little tiny condo with two shared walls and a little tiny fenced yard."
Or maybe we were thinking, "Gosh, this will be a great way to destroy our marriage and/or live in squalor in just three short years."
Just more than four years ago, we were living in my teeny tiny, 1000-square-foot condo, which I'd bought when I first moved here. It was small and cozy. We were about to get married so we thought we'd buy some land and build a nice spacious house and then, several years down the road, we'd have a kid or two (well, I wanted three or four, but that is still up for discussion).
Well, right after we got married, I got pregnant. Surprise!
So throughout my pregnancy, we were building the house. It went fine, and we moved in when Big Boy was 2 months old. It was the dead of winter and our entire lot was full of dirt. And big rocks. And a few scrub oak plants.
Little did we know that when spring rolled around, we'd be surrounded by wasps the size of hummingbirds and weeds the size of redwoods. Have you ever been to Northern California? Redwoods are very, very big. So are our weeds.
We have spent tens of thousands of dollars on landscaping. I am not exaggerating. We have some very nice trees (12 trees), some very nice plants (at least 13 or so), a big lawn (and a sprikler system that waters the lawn about 8 times per day, even though it's set to run only once) and lots and lots of crushed granite. Oh, and a beautiful patio MrDartt built (I've mentioned it before -- it almost caused a divorce but looks very nice). And we have a HUGE, GIGANTIC hill in front of our house. It has six trees on it. And some plants. But it's mostly dirt. Dirt, dirt, dirt. There are weeds everywhere. Weeds, weeds, weeds. The weeds behind our house look like trees. It's like a prickly, spiky forest back there. Seriously.
We have decided that although we love our house and we put a lot of work into it during the actual building and since we moved in, we want to move somewhere that has a little tiny yard, which is already landscaped.
MrDartt just asked if, in my writing, I've come up with something to do with our two acres. No I have not. He said, "Besides winning the lottery and having somebody come in and lanscape the whole thing?"
There's the ticket. Any other ideas?

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