Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can't Even Think of an Appropriate Title

We went camping over the weekend.
It was our first trip since Big Boy's previous terrorist attack during a camping trip (he claims it wasn't him -- that he was possessed -- and I believe him!). We had a blast and I will save that for a later post.
But here's the funny story (I promise it relates).
I'd packed all our clothes in one suitcase. I packed on Friday during the day, and then left the suitcase in the living room because Big Boy was having fun rolling it around. MrDartt and I went out to dinner and a movie to celebrate our anniversary, and my parents watched the boys. Saturday morning we left for camping. We got back Sunday afternoon and I left the suitcase on the floor in the living room as I unpacked it little by little.
Monday morning, Little Boy was climbing on the closed suitcase, which was lying on the floor.
Big Boy came over and gave Little Boy a swift shove, sending him face first onto the floor. His knees were still on the suitcase, and his head was turned to the side, with one of his cheeks smashed into the carpet.
MrDartt yelled to Big Boy, "Why did you do that?"
To which Big Boy responded, "Grandma and Grandpa said he was going to fall down anyway!"
MrDartt carried Big Boy to timeout and sat him down, then knelt down and told him, you need to sit there for a few minutes, and then you need to apologize to Little Boy for pushing him down.
MrDartt turned to pick up Little Boy, and there he was, not making a peep, with his knees on the suitcase and his cheek pressed into the carpet.
He'd held that position for at least 60 seconds. Didn't even care.

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