Friday, September 11, 2009

Little Boy's First Birthday

Yesterday, Little Boy turned one. I think he had a very nice day. We went to the park, and he got to swing, play with dirt, put dirt on my pants, and eat dirt. What could be better? We went to the store and he and Big Boy drove a car cart, and even shared the steering wheels very nicely. We even went to the pediatrician for his one-year check-up. His head is in the 90th percentile (which means it's bigger than the heads of 90 percent of his fellow one-year-olds). His height is in the 10th percentile and his weight is in the 5th percentile. Seriously. Huge head.
Anyway, as I was reflecting on his actual birth day, one year ago, I was thinking about how much kids change in just one year. This little baby who came out of my tummy SCREAMING his big head off is now the moving, shaking, dancing little boy who immediately upon waking up crawls over to the pretend guitar, finds the right button to turn it on, and stands up to start rocking out. The little baby who barely made a peep during his first few months now shouts, "LOLA!" every time he hears a dog bark.
It seems like the doctor just hollered, "We have a BOY!" and now that boy is refusing help when eating and throwing little tantrums if he doesn't want a certain vegetable.
I was feeling all nostalgic all morning about his infancy, and kept thinking, "I need to focus on cherishing every moment because it goes by so fast."
Then we went to the pediatrician's office, and the ENTIRE time I was trying to talk to the doctor, Big Boy was interrupting, because he wanted me to unroll the roll of bags I have in the diaper bag, which you're supposed to use to put poopy diapers in. He was getting right in my face, saying, "MOMMY! EXCUSE ME! I want you to give me a bag!" "MOMMY! I want a bag!"
I kept saying, "Just a minute, Big Boy. I am talking to the doctor. You need to be quiet for just a minute." And he kept saying, "MOMMY!" "MOMMY!" "MOMMY!"
I thought, "Ha! Cherish every moment! Right!"

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