Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just Another Word?

Warning: this post contains profanity. If you're sensitive to that, you should probably stop reading.

Last night, Big Boy was using his kid-sized Spiderman couch as a tee for the indoor baseball game he was playing. It fell over, and he said, "Fuck!"
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Fuck!" he said.
My mom (who was there for our weekly Wednesday night dinner) and I looked at each other, trying not to laugh.
"That's a grown-up word," I said. "It's not a very nice grown-up word, so let's not say it."

Guilty. The other morning, I was trying to put away the carton of eggs, and I was balancing a few other things on top of it, holding the whole pile with one hand. As I opened the refrigerator door, the whole pile toppled over, sending the egg carton crashing to the floor. Sure enough, about 18 eggs came out of the 12-egg carton, and ALL of them broke on the kitchen floor.
"Fuck!" I said.
"Why'd you say fuck?" Big Boy asked.
Because I'm an idiot and I should not say fuck in front of you, I thought, immediately realizing my mistake.
"Because I dropped this whole carton of eggs on the floor," I answered.

I just knew it would come back to haunt me. I can't wait until he says it in line at the grocery store, at playgroup, or at church (actually, we don't go to church, but you get the picture).


  1. Thomas says, "Damn it!" all the time and I know it is my fault. Sometimes these things just come out. But I am really trying to sensor myself now. Luckily he has only said it at home so far.

  2. Never fails! Never!!! If only math or reading was so easy to teach!

  3. I thought I was the only one to teach my children those words.

  4. Evan has been caught uttering the phrase as well, luckily it sounded more like "tuck". I've got a few more months before the public scrutiny begins. On the flip-side his articulation problems do not always work in my favor. He obsessed with his train named Percy and is not quite pronouncing the 'er' sound yet...
